Emilia Barile


PhD in Cognitive Science and Postoc in Philosophy of Mind at Institut für Kognitionswissenschaft (IKW) – Osnabrueck (DE), A. von Humboldt visiting fellow at Berlin School of Mind and Brain, von Humboldt Universität – Berlin (DE) and at CenSes (Centre for the Study of the Senses) – Institute of Philosophy, University of London (UK). Among her research interests: emotion and feeling, bodily feelings, interoception and proprioception, embodied cognition and embodied consciousness. By the same author: Are ‘background feelings’ intentional?, «Open Journal of Philosophy», Vol.4, No. 4 (2014), ‘Dare corpo alla mente’. La relazione mente/corpo alla luce delle emozioni e dell’esperienza del ‘sentire’, B. Mondadori 2007.