Giorgio Chiari


Giorgio Chiari has been full professor of ‘Methodology and Techniques of Social Research’ at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Trento, where he was president of the Teaching Research Lab and director of CIRCLE (Centro Internazionale Ricerca Cooperative Learning). An expert in the Sociology of Education (La Macchina del vuoto – The
vacuum machine, 1973; Tempo pieno e scuola elementare – Full-time Elementary School, 1979; Quale Università? – Which University?, 1986), for many years he has been interested in the Theory of Learning Climates, which has led him to deepen and concretely apply the methods of Cooperative Learning in the world of school and work (Climi di classe e apprendimento – Classroom Climates and learning, 1994; Climi di classe e stili di insegnamento – Classroom climates and teaching styles, 1997; Apprendimento in situazione: nuovi modelli di alternanza – Situational Learning: New Alternation Models, 2001; La scuola va in banca – School Goes to the Bank (VHS), 2001; Gruppi e apprendimento cooperativo: un’alternativa ai gruppi di recupero – Groups and Cooperative Learning: An Alternative to late-learners Groups, 1998; Cooperative Learning: ricerca e formazione nella scuola e nel mondo economico – Cooperative Learning: Research and Training in School and Business, 1998; Cooperative Learning: apprendimento e democrazia – Cooperative Learning: Learning and Democracy, 2003/2019; Educazione interculturale e apprendimento cooperativo: teoria e pratica della educazione tra pari – Intercultural Education and Cooperative Learning: Theory and Practice of Peer Education, 2011/2019; (con L. Palmisano) 20 Passi per il buon clima – 20 Steps for a Good Climate, 2017; I Pionieri del Cooperative Learning – The Pioneers of Cooperative Learning, 2018; Advanced Cooperative Learning: Cooperative Learning Progredito, 2019).