Segundas jornadas italo-latinoamericanas de defensores civicos y defensores del pueblo


ISBN: 9788867058228
Editor(s): Andrea Trisciuoglio
Series: Publication: 2018 Packaging Type: Paperback


Tribunado – poder negativo y defensa de los derechos humanos. En homenaje al Profesor Giuseppe Grosso (Torino, 8-9 settembre 2016). Con la carta di Torino per una nuova difesa civica.

The crisis of Montesquieu’s theory of separation of powers paves the way for Rousseau’s democratical theory, based on the republican model of Ancient Rome, a theory neglected in legal and political studies for a long time. The historical and comparative analysis of the different incarnations of European and Southamerican attorneys, starting from the tribunes of the people and the defensores civitatis, suggests for Italy to adopt a different model of attorney, more effective in the defense of human rights; this model is explained, at the end of the volume, in an articolate legislative proposal (Carta di Torino per una nuova Difesa civica). The Acts of the conference of Turin continue the intuitions and ideas of Giuseppe Grosso, of the Turin school of romanistic in the last century, and develop the results of the Primeras Jornadas Italo-Latinoamericanas de Defensores Civicos y Defensores del Pueblo, organized in Buenos Aires in 2008.

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